Thank you, National Nutella Day.
Normally, we are skeptical of any alleged “National Day.” There seems to be a Day for everything now, and we are over it. National Put Salt on Your French Fries Day. National Wear Ecru Underwear Day. National I’m Not Getting Out of My Sweatpants Day (this one started in March 2020 and has been extended into National Not Getting Out of My Sweatpants Year).
But because of National Nutella Day, something magical has been born: The Nutella pastelito.
TAMZ is definitely proud to be part of this creation!

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/article248870354.html?fbclid=IwAR2hjM5363J9WUGbjGCIjr0O0d1al8AvW52q8tUQrDV4gN3RLkT4rVC-ubQ#storylink=cpy